Prague, Czech Republic — Do Slova Church
Do Slova is a multicultural church reaching the people of Prague with the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a mission to know the true God and make him known in Prague through proclaiming the Word, loving our neighbors, and modeling the ordinary Christian life.
Scott Brinkerhoff
Cush4Christ is a ministry of Reformed Presbyterian Global Missions (RPGM) and is based in Aweil, South Sudan. Their mission is to make disciples toward the vision of "a gospel-centered church for every community in Aweil and beyond."
Ellen Barnett
Ellen has served in Acapulco since 1975 with MTW. Her ministry has included Bible studies; work with children, youth, and singles; and leadership training in Acapulco and Guerrero State. Ellen´s present responsibilities include administering and teaching in Maranatha Bible Institute and teacher-training seminars throughout Mexico. She especially enjoys discipling young people through these ministries.
Marc and Elizabeth Hoyle
BCM International is a global non-denominational ministry dedicated to reaching children and developing churches worldwide through evangelism, teaching, and training so that churches are established and the Church strengthened. BCM ministers through evangelism, church planting, discipleship, leadership training and publishing Bible curriculum and teaching materials.
Heidi Meiners
The International Christian School of Budapest (ICSB) provides an education in English for students in grades K-12, preparing them for entrance into North American colleges and universities. ICSB is committed to Christian education and seeks to educate the whole child by incorporating a wide range of activities for students, including programs and opportunities in the fine arts, athletics, community outreach activities, and spiritual and social events.
Michael and Billie Coleman
The Puritan Project focuses all its efforts on the strengthening of pastors and leaders in the Portuguese-speaking church. Many pastors who have come to know the Doctrines of Grace are now attending or have graduated from reformed seminaries in the United States.
John and Elizabeth Sexton
The Sextons have served with MTW for over 25 years using their advanced nursing degrees, first in the jungle of Peru and then in Mexico. Since 2003, John and Elizabeth have served globally with MTW’s medical and health ministries in more than 25 countries. Their projects and trainings are unique to the churches’ specific needs.
Roger and Dianne Smalling
Roger Smalling and his wife Dianne are passionate about bringing reformation to Latin America by writing books and holding conferences on the doctrines of grace, justification by faith, Christian leadership and church government. Dr. Smalling is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America and teaches with Miami International Seminary.
David and Robin White
David and Robin White have been missionaries since 1987, first in Australia, then with MTW’s Border Evangelism and Mercy Ministry on the U.S./Mexican border. In 2001, they joined the home office, where David is now serving as assistant director of Spiritual Life.
ABCCM is a local nonprofit in Asheville, NC. We are committed to serving those who are in need in Buncombe County. They offer a variety of services through our Crisis Ministry which has four locations throughout the county, Homeless Ministry which offers transitional housing for men and women, Medical Ministry (medical, dental, and pharmacy needs), Jail Ministry, and Donations Ministry.
Ammi, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, desires to bring Jewish people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through a variety of evangelistic activities, discipling new Jewish believers in the basics of the faith, and involving the church in evangelizing the Jewish community.
Bethany is a global nonprofit organization that brings families together and keeps families together. Strengthening families for the well-being of children is their top priority, with services that include adoption, foster care, and pregnancy counseling. They also provide counseling to families, assist refugees and immigrants resettling in the U.S., and partner with several international countries to help keep families together.
Also known as Right to Life Advocates, Life Advocates supports positive, pro-life solutions to human problems as alternatives to abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, or other deliberate destruction of human beings. They have been involved in the legislative process from the beginning, promoting issues and legislation protecting the innocent unborn, as well as other important issues affecting families.
MAPS, previously Asheville Pregnancy Support Services, provides compassionate care to women and men dealing with all the issues surrounding an at risk pregnancy. Their client advocates are specially trained to deal with these distinctive problems.
Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families is a private, non-profit organization. The Home accepts children placed by the North Carolina Department of Social Services, but is not managed, owned, or governed by the State of North Carolina, except as laws are applicable.
WCRM exists to serve the homeless, poor and addicted populations of Western North Carolina. Currently their Rescue services for men, women and children include providing meals, food boxes, overnight shelter, showers and clothing. Recovery services include a free one-year residential substance abuse recovery program for men. Formal restoration programs include Success Academy for men and women, Joshua Plan for men, and Abba’s Love for women.
The Chalmers Center's vision is for local churches to declare and demonstrate to people who are poor that Jesus Christ is making all things new. Their mission is to equip churches to walk alongside people who are poor, breaking the spiritual, social, and material bonds of poverty. They equip churches to walk alongside people who are poor, breaking the spiritual, social, and material bonds of poverty.
As a ministry of Mission to North America (MNA), the Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRCC) credentials and oversees PCA chaplains. As they “Catch, Credential, Care and Cover” the Staff try to visit each chaplain in the field at least once a year, and also visit campuses, local churches and presbyteries, recruiting new chaplains and encouraging the church to remember and pray for the chaplains serving currently.
The purpose of the GRN is to cultivate healthy Reformed churches in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).