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We consider worship the primary ministry of our church because it is the vehicle through which God addresses us in his word and sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). Our ministry is dependent on God’s word to draw people to God in saving faith, and then to nurture, shepherd, and disciple them. Read more about our worship services here.



In a Presbyterian church the pastor is one of a group of elders who shares the responsibility to lead the church and oversees the flock of God. Our elders have the privilege and responsibility to personally shepherd all of our members. Our membership is divided into Shepherding Groups, with each elder having oversight over the members in his group. In addition to personal interaction with the elders, the Shepherding Groups meet together periodically throughout the year for a meal, prayer, and fellowship.


In addition to gathering as a congregation weekly for worship, we also have weekly Sunday School and Wednesday evening gatherings for dinner, classes and nursery for children and teens, and Bible Study and prayer for the adults.



We are serious about The Great Commission and are committed to supporting missionaries both locally and globally, and want to increase our missions budget annually to further the preaching of the gospel in all nations. Not only are we committed to supporting missionaries, we are committed to sending missionaries as well. We want to be a church who continues to send our members out to be missionaries both locally and globally, as well as plan national and international mission trips to allow our members to serve our missionaries and to test a personal call to missions.


As important as it is to share the gospel with our words, we also seek to adorn the gospel with good works. To that end we have an active deacon board that oversees our care for the poor and our support for a number of local mercy ministries that serve the needy in our community.



Our men's ministry seeks to equip men in the truth of God's Word in order that they can lead as servants in the home, the church, the workplace, and the world. Events for men include home Bible studies, a bimonthly prayer breakfast , and a weekly breakfast for retired men.



Our women's ministry seeks to equip the women of our church, so that each woman would personally know the love of Christ and be compelled by the love of Christ to serve in her home, her church, and her world. The Women’s Ministry Team assists in scheduling and coordinating church-wide and women-specific ministries at Covenant Reformed, particularly in the areas of hospitality and fellowship.



We welcome all children and youth to join us in our Sunday morning and evening worship services, as well as attend an interactive teaching of the Westminster Shorter Catechism on Wednesday evenings. We also offer a variety of Sunday school classes for different ages, which begin at 9:30 on Sunday morning.


As part of our responsibility to love and protect our children, we have a Child and Youth Protection Policy that includes procedures, guidelines, training, and screening for our employees and volunteers.



Our nursery is available for children birth through 3 years and is available during Sunday school, both Sunday worship services, and the Wednesday evening prayer meeting. It is staffed by volunteers, who are members of Covenant Reformed and are glad to care for the physical and spiritual needs of our children. Our nursery also offers a private space for nursing mothers.

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